Friday 16 March 2012

How to Get More of What You Want!

Today, we are going to start with understanding energy!  Why would you want to?

When you understand energy, you can make sense of anything in your life!  How cool is that?  Understanding energy is all about the Law of Attraction (LOA), which is a Universal Law that I learned about several years ago after reading a book called "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne.

It doesn't matter what your beliefs are - if you are young or old, male or female - it works the same for everyone.  When I discovered The Secret, it dramatically changed the direction of my life and good things have been happening ever since!  That is why I am so passionate about teaching it.  Like the Law of Gravity, no one is immune to this Universal Law.

Understanding energy and The Law of Attraction can have a very dramatic impact on your life!  Is there an area in your life that could use a lift?  Career? Relationships? Finances? Health?

Are you aware that everything in our entire universe is energy?  Science has already proven this, and most of us learned this at some point in school.  I remember learning that all matter is made up of atoms, which are simply vibrating parcels of energy.  I clearly remember looking at my desk thinking "Really?  There are little particles (atoms) that are moving in this?"  It was too much for my mind to comprehend!  Now, I love it and can't get enough of it because I know that understanding it better can help you create the life of your dreams!!  We are all meant to be living in Joy, and abundance is all around us.

 Now to Science class for a moment!  Bear with me, there is method to my madness!!  What determines something as a solid, liquid or a gas is the rate of vibration.  Let's use water as an example in all of its forms.  In a solid, the atoms are at a slow rate of vibration = ice, medium vibration = water, and high rate of vibration = steam or even higher rate of vibration = humidity (can't see it but you can sure feel it.)  What makes water a solid, liquid or gas is the rate of vibration of the atoms.  It really is very simple.  Are you still with me?  Re-read the above if necessary.

Our thoughts are a very high frequency.  Can't see them (just like humidity) but they go out into the Universe.  Let me give you an example.  How many times have you thought of someone you haven't seen in a really long time, and suddenly they phone you or you run into them somewhere?  Then you say "I can't believe you are calling - I was thinking of you yesterday!"  That is Law of Attraction in action.  Our bodies are like a radio station and a radio - broadcasting and receiving frequencies.  When you are desiring or praying for something, you are broadcasting.

So LOA is all about vibes!  We live in a world of vibrational energy.  How many times have you been somewhere and you say "I don't like this place - it gives off bad vibes." (maybe not that terminology but you get the point,) or you walk into a room where someone has had a fight and as the saying goes "You could cut the tension with a knife!"  You are feeling energy.

Definition of Law of Attraction (LOA) - Whatever I put my attention, energy and focus to, I will get more of it, whether Positive or Negative.  Many of the great thinkers, and inventors of our time were using LOA.

There is much more to LOA than I can give in a blog post, as it is a full day seminar that I teach.  There are really 3 steps to manifesting your desires:
  • Identify your desire 
  • Give your desire attention
  • Allow it
If you are missing one of these steps is slows the process of receiving your desires, so if you are wondering why you aren't getting more money even though you really want more of it, check that all three steps are in place.

My point to this blog post today is to teach you that we don't have to settle for mediocre lives, that when we have more happiness and joy we spread it, when we have more money, we can help more people.  It isn't all for selfishness, unless that is what you really want!  We really can live the life of our dreams, and by doing that we can also teach others along the way that they can do it too.

I LOVE what I do, do you?  As I build upon my new business I will be teaching my readers along the way how to have what you want, and how to find what you love to do so that just by being who you are you will change lives too.

I am going to blog about each of the 4 key areas - Relationships, Finances, Health, and Career - over the next week, using LOA as the foundation to teach you that you really can have what you want!  In fact, it is our God-given right to have what we want, so that we can spread more joy and live our true purpose!

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